Here are a few sources on innovation and learning climates. I hope they are helpful.
Cunningham, P., & Iles, P. (2002). Managing learning climates in a financial services organisation. Journal of Management Development, 21(6), 477-492. doi:10.1108/02621710210430632
Ekvall, G. (1996). Organizational climate for creativity and innovation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(1), 105-123. doi:10.1080/13594329608414845
Sarros, J. C., Cooper, B. K., & Santora, J. C. (2008). Building a climate for innovation through transformational leadership and organizational culture. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 15(2), 145-158. doi:10.1177/1548051808324100
Learning is the key to success—some would even say survival—in today’s organizations. Articles that explore the dimensions of the learning organization; propose a framework to learn for change framed around organization, people, knowledge, and technology for learning; and report on the results of a related real-life survey are:
Less regimentation, tolerance for failure and encouragement of experimentation, flat structures/ organic structures and trusting your employees that they will not misuse freedom.
You will attract creative people. Else you see exodus of smart and creative people and organization will be full of mediocre and implementors/ process owners (not process designers).
Learning organizations are creative organization and they strongly beleive in optimization (process, design, resources etc.). Marginal productivity of learning organizations is always higher than their competitors.
I've attached a couple of interesting tools you might want to take a look at - the Corporate Innovation Index and the Innovation Quotient (IQ). Both are really used to assess an organization's current state.
There are many tools that speak to the processes and conditions needed to activate innovation. In our experience, we wanted to spend more time focused on outcomes - the number of product/service innovations launched, the time required to translate ideas into new business opportunities, etc. It was important for us to distinguish between learning and innovation; they are not the same thing.
We have developed an online Tool "Industrie 4.0" for measuring 7 clusters in any organization. One is called "INNOVATION". It's presented in a German book (Schircks, A. et al.: Strategie für Industrie 4.0, Springer 2017). First results have been published in an article end of 2018. In November I will speak about the tool with more results from Switzerland & Germany, article to be published in English early 2020. Regards: [email protected]
I had to answer those questions in 1994-1995, with my first study on that topic. Organizational learning is quite easy to measure -- you look how things (actions) an organization has to make become more easy (for that organization) and even sometimes pleasant. It is like learning to read ny a child. To get an impression on this, you can use interviews, surveys, included observations, action research , analysis of financial reporting but organizational learning becomes evident only in a longitudinal study (at least 3 years for a large organization with annual observations or 1-2 years for a smaller organization with quarterly observations).
For measuring organizational culture (I prefer the term "organizational climate")you can use Barton/Obel instrument available at as a part of organizational diagnosis software.
In response to Igor Gurkov's observation that organization learning is easy to measure - my view is quite different. An organization can do things faster or better or can be more innovative for a variety of reasons other than learning - technology, hiring new talent, partnerships, etc. Sorting out all of these factors to determine whether it was learning is no easy task given that organizations are not controlled environments. Given that, I think it is important to begin by being very clear what your definition of learning is.
Indeed the software has disappeared. I will try to contact Obel the Older (the founder of the company and the father of the current CEO) where it is possible to find the software.