21 December 2020 4 4K Report

Hello everyone,

My project is to investigate the microstructure of stainless steel 17-4 PH fabricated by selective laser melting. SS 17-4 PH is predominantly a martensite matrix with some delta-ferrite stringers. Parts made by selective laser melting experience complex thermal histories and rapid cooling rates which produce inconsistent microstructures. I am expecting to see a mixture of martensite and retained austenite based on other studies. However, some studies even noted a fully delta-ferrite microstructure so that is also a possibility.

I have been given optical images of 17-4 PH made by SLM to analyse, without a scale bar. I have attached a few of the images. I think it is a martensitic matrix (lath-like) and retained austenite (larger segments). I don't seem to see stringers of delta-ferrite. The black circles are pores from gas entrapment, the gas comes from powder gas atomisation process and building environment. Note: I think the shaded region at the top of image two is an error in metallography sample preparation process.

Could you please help me characterise the microstructure?

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