Next generation agriculture is going to survive by concepts like hydroponics/aeroponics( Either on protected cultivation or on open field basis), fertigation fitted with variable rate application , microirrigation with microbially loaded organic fertilizers etc. . Of late , fertigation has established its clear cut edge over rest of the other methods of nutrient use . However, we still have some quarrieswith regard to fertigation . These are as follows:
* Which kind of crops are better suited for fertigation?.
* How do nature and properties of soils affect the efficacy of fertigation?
* How does water quality affect the efficacy of fertigation?
* How can we reduce the cost of fertigation ?. Is there any attempt to domesticate the conventionally used commercial fertilizers which are used without fertigation?
* Can we regulate the microbial inoculation along with fertigation?
* Is there any specific reason for lesser attempts on micronutrients fertigation?.
* How do you see the comparative efficacy of fertigation , INM and inorganic fertilization( Soil applicationof macronutrients and foliar application of micronutrients) ?
I call upon my learned colleagues to kindly share their rich experiences on these issues. Thanks and Regards