I'm doing some research about how the software companies makes technological decisions. For these reason I introduce some theoretical situation and ask you to answer these short questions in order to know what do you think about this (only take 5 minutes to answer, although you can answer in more detail if you prefer).

"Suppose that you work on a software development business or a company with strong IT dependency and you have to take a decision between two technologies. You can choose asking an expert advice, compare with previous experiences, talk to both vendors, etc. (many studies show that this is how the situation is handled now).

Now, suppose that someone offers you some kind of report with the results of an experiment, done it following the scientific method, with cuantitative and qualitative data to support your decision. It shows evidence about some specific attribute (e.g. performance or usability or... etc.) for both technologies running under certain conditions."

1) Do you think that the results of this kind of experiment can be useful?

2) Do you think that the experiment approach is economically viable?

3) Do you think that the industry is mature enough to recognize the value added following this approach?

4) What is the size of the companies that could buy this kind of information?

A - Small companies

B - Middle-size companies

C - Only big ones

5) What is the value of this information if you think that it may reduce some project/business investment risk? (answer in % of the total investment)

Thanks in advance!

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