The cells are connected in series via a tunnel junction as intermediate layers. How does the intermediate layer work? Say we have a system of anode/n1/p1/tunnel junction/n2/p2/cathode. 1 high energy photon causes EH generation at the n1/p1 region. 1 low energy photon causes 1 n2/p2 region to have EH generation. A majority carrier hole is collected from the p1 by the tunnel junction, a majority carrier electron is collected from n2 by the tunnel junction. They both then meet at the tunnel and recombine, while the majority carrier electron collected by the anode from n1 and majority carrier hole is collected by the cathode from p2. Does this mean 2 photons can only generate 1 electron flow through the outer circuit? Is my understanding correct? If yes isn't that less efficient?

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