I am working on an experiment where I will be growing soybean in pots through all its stages in a greenhouse, I have a total of 65 plants in the beginning with 4 treatments and 1 control group making a total of 13 plants/replications per treatment. Mid-way through the experiment I will be taking 3 random samples from each group, a total of 15 plants, and removing them from the soil to look at nodule count and total plant biomass.

The experiment design that I have set up for pot placement in the greenhouse was done as a randomised complete block design with 13 blocks and 5 rows/treatments, my question is how do I take these 15 random samples from the experiment without destroying blocks and thereby making it impossible to do the statistical analysis that I plan to do? The reason for the design is to account for spatial variation in the greenhouse such as light exposure.

The figures I have made are my two suggestions for how I could do this. In figure 1 I show the design and placement of the pots, each letter A-E is one treatment (randomly assigned to a pot number for each block) and the numbers are the numbers that were assigned to those pots. In figure 2 I remove 3 randomly assigned full blocks from the experiment for destructive samples, and in figure 3 I took 3 random samples from each of the treatment groups independently and removed them.

I feel as if removing complete blocks like in figure 2 would be the best option, because then I would not be affecting the other blocks as happens in figure 3, the disadvantage of this option is that the samples are less spread and it would perhaps not account too well for variability in the greenhouse for the destructive samples, but do well for the non-destructive ones.

Figure 3 probably does well in accounting for spatial variability in the destructive samples, but it will be destroying the blocks for the finished plants and therefore it seems to me like it would not be possible to do a proper statistical analysis on the finished samples of which I care most about.

How can I solve this? I would also appreciate a suggestion on how to analyse these results if it is possible. Is there any other way I could take destructive samples like this without ruining it? I feel like growing the destructive samples separate from the main group in the greenhouse (but close to each other) would not account enough for variability.

My supervisors have said that taking the destructive samples will not affect the growth of the surrounding plants as long as I remove the pots and not clip the plants.

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