12 Questions 61 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rajesh S Patil
Need to know soon, whether to go in for Transcriptome analysis or GBS based method to unravel the Earliness trait in hirsutum cotton? Considering the compromises in both methods, cost involved and...
06 February 2021 7,472 3 View
In gene expression studies, what would be the reliability of house keeping genes expression say in a disease/insect attacked tissue that is being subjected to studies (RT qPCR ). Will the...
15 December 2020 3,703 5 View
I have picked the sentence from a published paper "...In F1 generation, days to 1st flower was controlled by over dominance while in F2 it was inherited additively......." . The study involves a...
23 September 2020 4,864 6 View
Here, we could be looking at root efficiency in helping a plant achieve its target yields. What kind of root dynamics happen to balance the above ground part in producing/maintaining the economic...
08 August 2020 6,953 23 View
Of late, we have been hearing of Epigenetics as a major determiner of traits being expressed. If this is beyond genetic control, or if it is, then how does it differ from regular genes being...
22 April 2020 1,860 0 View
"A total of 67 and 35 QTL were detected under water-limited and well-watered conditions, respectively. The favorable alleles to improve the traits exhibited partial or over-dominance effects".This...
08 April 2020 4,212 0 View
Most of our studies, including molecular studies have implicated morphological traits like hairs on leaf and leaf thickness (sometimes the close packing of cells in the epidermis of leaves) in...
25 March 2020 9,825 0 View
Contrasting parents for sucking pest were crossed. There were 4 crosses. Now, there are a very few advanced generation (F8) progenies in each of the 4 crosses, about 8-10 in each. Within the...
25 July 2019 4,700 4 View
For non-parametric stability measures Huehn's method is being used. Huehn's paper(Euphytica, 47: 189-194,1990), on page 190, bottom left para, he clearly says that lowest value be given rank 1....
01 January 1970 3,020 2 View
This is a sentence picked from the paper mentioned afterwards. "A total of 67 and 35 QTL were detected under water-limited and well-watered conditions, respectively. The favorable alleles to...
01 January 1970 5,311 0 View
Have we forgotten the art and science of selection? Conventional methods of breeding? The requirement of huge segregating populations seems to be the only deterrent in going in for individual...
01 January 1970 9,638 0 View
I feel, highly focused conventional breeding methods give better target results than a MAS exercise with all the cost:benefit worked out. Maybe, there would be a time loss in conventional...
01 January 1970 7,210 29 View