08 August 2016 1 9K Report

Hey, thanks for answering my question.

Now then my question: I want to know how to setup linux kernal environment modules. For example, in my university we have a computational cluster so if I want to see the available modules there for everyone, I just type 

$ module avail

and if I want to load the latest version of R, I just type:

$ module load R.

There are also many versions of R installed so I could load and unload the ones that I want. The neat thing about environmental modules is that users can tell the system what programs to remain active, dormant, or even blacklisted. But I sort of need to reconfigure my brain because when I install a program on my standard linux operating system, RedHat or Debian,

I just type $ sudo apt-get install R, or $ sudo yum install R.

But in the computational cluster, there are many researchers with accounts and they don't need super-user access to run their programs. My supervisor said that for me to install a program on the cluster, I would not need super-user access so I'm trying to comprehend how that is possible. Now, I know for, example, many scientific applications have built in modules, but that's not what I mean here.

I would actually like to install Gromacs as an environmental module in our cluster. So if you have any experience doing that, that would be great to read what you have to write!

So please what do need to read to learn this skill-set?


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