I want to do a atmospheric correction of hyperion data. I also do using FLAASH but I need one more RT model for atmospheric correction so if anyone RT model are available free for atmospheric correction without FLAASH so please inform me.
Do you speak about radiative transfer (RT) model or atmospheric correction algorithm? The 6SV is an open-source RT model useful to develop atmospheric correction algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing data
Hi Cristiana i want to do atmospheric correction of Hyperion data using any atmospheric correction model.. i have already do using FLAASH but i want to compare of that dataset with other method.... so if u know about any other method then get me information....
Hi Vishal, I usually develop by myself the atmospheric correction algorithm using the 6S atmospheric radiative transfer model.
If you read Gao et al., 2009 ( doi:10.1016/j.rse.2007.12.015), you can get knowledge of the atmospheric correction software usually used over water and over land.
Two widely used entirely image-based atmospheric corrections methods that I have developed are the 'Improved DOS' and 'COST' models that you may want to consider. If you google 'remote sensing chavez COST' you will see how others have used these techniques as well as compared them with other methods. Keep in mind that a very critical aspect of any entirely image based techniques is that a 'VALID DARK OBJECT' exist in the image for use as the minimum dark DN values. If a valid dark object does not exist the haze values will tend to be to large and the surface reflectance values will be over corrected and under estimate the values. Also, pay attention to the 'Improved DOS' method which suggest the use of realistic scattering models when computing the haze values for the various spectral bands.
Both of these methods are discussed in my 1988 and 1996 papers, plus additional information in a 1989 paper.