How to decrease the hardness of the electrplating nickel? For example, the microhardness of nickel electroseposits less than 100(HV). At what conditon can get this target and how to control relevant electroplating parameters?
I guess the hardness is a result of the grain size. Fast plating generates nano-grained Ni of high hardness. If you reduce the speed you can grow bigger grains. Another option would be a heating in order to generate a recrystallization, but commonly this will affect the actual sample. The electroplating parameters are the current, temperature and the applied voltage. I guess you need to test this since the used chemicals are also non-predictable parameters.
Now the question is: how to increase the grain size of nickel electrodeposits? I haven't read any relevant papers saying the grain size over 20 micrometers.
Well, at least this image shows that it is possible. The intermediate Ni-plated part (blue in EDS map) between the circular Cu part (top, red) and the flat Fe (bottom, yellow) shows, that it works. I will check whether I still find the parameters. Might be a bit challenging since it is very likely that the parameter will not fit to your system anyway. The horizontal dimension is 100µm so that the size you are expecting is definitely not given here. But as mentioned above a gentle heat treatment could help although it requires additional experimental work to find appropriate parameters.
So, what is the largest grain size you can get before heat treatment? The detail electroplating condition? Anyway, thank you much for answering my questions.
Dear professor, most of your work focus on the electrochemical behavior of electrodeposits. I have already searched your 86 papaers, have found any relevant paper about the mechanical properties or mircrostructure of electrodeposited nickel. My problem is: how to get a extreme soft electrodeposited nickel, which means the grain size of electrodeposits should be larger than 20 micrometers.
The hardness of nickel electrodeposits is different for different electroplating condition. The lowest microhardness of electrodeposited nickel reported in relevant papers is about 130(HV). I think you are right that i shoulg try to use new complexing agents. But, I don't know which agent I should use in order to inhibit the formation of nickel hydroxide.