I am trying to calculate whether my sampling effort was enough based on a species accumulation curve for a camera-trap study using the software R. Any tips on what script to use or how to organize my data accordingly?
In the book "Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research" ( chapter 5. Presence/absence and species inventory) we developed an R script to calculate species accumulation curve. R script can be downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5w4y6u7uq2mc2i3/AADjdBCrN_7tAg-UHAbhf8sFa?dl=0
There are sevaral tutorial available for calculating species accumulation curve (SAC) in R. "BiodiversityR" and "iNEXT" packages can be used for the same. Follow the second link to know the arrangment of your datasheet for calculating SAC.