Attached is an image of two molecules for which I would like to carry PES calculations- as a proton is migrated from one molecule to the other. I've been trying the attached input in Gaussian09 but I don't get the desired scan output files that I want, it only calculates the SP energy of the input structure. I have been trying to read up on this issue, but most examples are for a relaxed dihedral angle scan. I know that there are differences in input between rigid and relaxed and I seem to be getting them confused.

Currently, my input section is as follows

# scan hf/3-21g geom=connectivity

[internal coordinates/connectivity]

B31 10 0.34 !H atom B31 with 10 optimization steps 0.34units apart!

  • How can I first carry out this calculation using the RIGID molecules in the input?
  • How can I carry the RELAXED scan of the same input structure.
  • For the purpose of these calculations I want to keep all atoms on the molecule fixed in one spot while the H-atom is being translated towards the other molecule. My ultimate goal is to scan the potential energy surface of this proton-transfer reaction.

    Help is appreciated,


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