I am using a Cole-Parmer 750-Watt Ultrasonic Homogenizer. Is it possible to control the frequency of the ultrasonic oscillation on this machine or do I need other pieces of equipment?

I am attempting to make translucent oil in water nano-emulsions following the protocol in this paper. My oil to water ratio will be significantly more however, it needs to be as high as possible while remaining translucent.

The energy setting of my homogenizer its in Joules.

So how do I convert from Hz to J ??

Here are the numbers form the paper but it doesn't make sense to be me because how can a higher frequency have a lower energy if E=hv?

20 kHz 44W cm^-2 = 440000 J

1.6 MHz 16W cm^-2 = 160000 J

2.4 MHz 7W cm^-2 = 70000 J

Here is their method

0.5 mmol of EDOT was added to 25 mL of aqueous solution containing 1.0 M LiClO4 in glass beaker cell. The 20 kHz ultrasonication to the water/oil mixture was conducted with an ultrasonic stepped horn (13 mm diameter, titanium alloy) connected with a 20 kHz oscillator (44 W cm−2, SONIFIER-250D, Branson Ultrasonics Co.) for 5 min. The sequential ultrasonication with 1.6 MHz treatment after 20 kHz was carried out using an ultrasonic transducer (16 W cm−2, Honda Electric Co.) connected with a Pyrex glass cylindrical tube (diameter, 24 mm; length, 75 mm) for 5 min. The further sequential ultrasonication with 2.4 MHz treatment after 20 kHz and 1.6 MHz was conducted by an ultrasonic transducer (7 W cm−2, Honda Electric Co.) connected with a Pyrex glass cylindrical tube (diameter, 24 mm; length, 75 mm) for 5 min.

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