Hi all,

I have a question in regards to my discussion and conclusion section in regards to my master thesis. I am currently a few days before the deadline and starting to question everything....

I wanted to ask your opinions regarding the outline of the discussion. I start with a general discussion regarding my expectations and overall findings. After that, I start to explain my first hypothesis (the findings, that this means for the hypo and the explanation for the findings). Then I go to the second and third hypothesis and do the same.

Lastly, I finish with some strengths and limitations of the current study, theoretical and practical implications and directions for future research.

However, I am starting to doubt myself. However, sometimes I already discuss implications, important notes and directions for future research into the explanations for the separate hypotheses. Just because I think they are to small to add them to the specific section for future research and it just flows better in the sections. One particular suggestion for future research is specifically for my H2 and I received the comment from my supervisor to add this to the section about the second hypothesis.

My questions is, therefore, is it acceptable to already make small suggestions (or note implications) or should this be completely seperate.

I hope I made myself clear. Thanks in advance!!!

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