Hi to everybody.
We are working in the field of marine proteomics and decided to use thermolysin instead of trypsin etc for digestion (bottom-up, using LC-MSMS; 4600 tripletof). Unfortunately the Mascot database does not support thermolysin and the support could not help us to solve the problem.
Of course we used the mascot configurator to include thermolysin into the enzyme list. Afterwards it work but comparing the results of mascot with peptide cutter resulted in significant differences. Especially the Prolin-problem (position 2 to cleavage side) is not handeled correctly.
Background cited from peptide cutter: Thermolysin preferentially cleaves sites with bulky and aromatic residues (Ile, Leu, Val, Ala, Met, Phe) in position P1' (Keil, 1992). Cleavage is favoured with aromatic sites in position P1 but hindered with acidic residues in position P1. Prolin blocks when located inposition P2' but not when found in position P1.
Our configuration in mascot:
title: thermolysin
Independent: 0
Semispecific: 0
Does anybody have similar problems or has a solution or hints for this issue? Thank you in advance