Moral values are now-a-days lacking among different persons maintaining their status at different levels. Though without these values life may become useless to all. A person is not an ideal person without maintaining basic values in real life!!!
Yes we can instill moral values in our students besides the knowledge taught to them. A lecturer with exemplary attitude, who treats the students well in a just manner for all, and who works hard during the lectures or practicals... will surely gain the hearts & the minds of the students. This lecturer will be followed by some students. Realistically, if 5-10 % of the students become morally alright thanks to his/her efforts, then the mission is accomplished.
I also respect all previous answers, but want to add that moral education should be conducted during education, during talking with students when it will be claimed by favour situation but not a reprimand or special lecture or as proposition to think and discuss different points of view.
Becoming an asset necessitated internalizing and living up to the highest ethical ideals of the community. So paideia included education in the arts, philosophy and rhetoric, history, science, and mathematics; training in sports and warfare; enculturation or learning of the city's religious, social, political, and professional customs and training to participate in them; and the development of one's moral character through the virtues. Above all, the person should have a keen sense of duty to the city.
Something more on The Importance of Role Models for ethical issues! "Aristotle's idea of virtue ethics relies substantially on the effects role models have on people. Aristotle believes that we learn to be moral (virtuous) by modeling the behavior of moral people. Through continual modeling we become virtuous out of habit. Of course, people can learn both good and bad habits depending on the role models they have. Aristotle believed that it was the moral duty of every citizen to act as a good role model. This was especially true for people who were most likely to be in the public eye, since these people had so many eyes on them. Who are the role models in contemporary society?"
Many fine resources are available via this following link!
Value Education includes developing the moral, cultural, spiritual and the ability to make proper value judgement and internalize them in one‟s life. It is essentially
„man making‟ and „character building‟. Right from the vedic period, the teachers are responsible for developing the knowledge and moulding the character of the students. Teachers are capable of opening the young mind to realize their abilities and capacities.
It is very true dear @Chrisnan, value education include all the mentioned and some more! like truth and wisdom, love and compassion, health and harmony with nature, peace and justice, national unity and global solidarity....! Very good Unesco book on Learning to be!
Moral values that stem form family are basic for their improvement by us, the educators. Hard job is to inculcate moral values in our students if previous assumption is not fulfilled! Of course, such difficulties may be overcome by teacher's passion to achieve it!
Swami Vivekananda says that true education is man-building or character-building. Ethics plays an important role for all scientists, researchers, and students. Faculty by being very ethical in all aspects serve as role-models for their students. I am highly inspired by my research guide, (Late), Dr. Byrnes, USA. [See photo of my guide! I am very fortunate to be his student]
When you are an example of morality , present all the qualities of idle teacher, students naturally influenced by your talk, will appear as a role model.
Media exposure plays a major role in our life. While watching the news or even a movie discuss the different aspects and ask the child what he/she would have done in that situation. This will develop a sense of reasoning in children.
We can do this through several things. The first is that students generally consider their professors as the highest and monitor all their actions and actions. Therefore, if we instill values and ethics in ourselves, it is natural to convey them to our students. On the other hand, I imagine transferring the values and customs of our communities, To promote values and ethics in them
my opinion about that, lack of moral values are often due to superficiality. I think that the best way to help people develop moral values it to teach them to reason, help them become able to carefully observe the context in which they move and their own action, with related consequences of both material and emotional/affective kind.
In math - my subject - one does not have the time and place to talk about morals, at least not a lot. But on occasion one does have the occasion, such as when I discuss how to view project work and assignments - which could be seen as an opportunity to borrow a friend's solution. We have strict rules about this type of cheating, and we talk about this in class.