Environmental protection is the process of protecting the environment for the benefit of nature and humans. Do countries vary in the level of awareness of environmental protection?
It should involve planning, action, and communication of the specific idea concerned related to environmental protraction, its logic, and how it will benefit people. It should involve short-term and long-term measures. The following can be done in this regards:
--Make it one of the top priority of the government
--It should be taught to all children from primary to middle class as core subject
--This should not be just symbolic; but must imbibe instilling a realistic concern in all children
--There should be awards and recognition for children who show good work in this regard
--Promoting the idea through stories as ads on TV and radio
--Planting saplings of trees; every tree cut for development projects must be replaced by planting at least 50-100 saplings.
--Participating by government at international level and adopting the action plan in government policies
--Awards, recognition and incentives for industrial set ups at green sites, and those who take initiatives for environment protection
Agree with Andras that education adn information are essential. In practice, environmental protection should be reflected in any planning (agree with Debi).
What I want to add is money. Without it, many things cannot be down. In my town, each hoousehold is given 3 bins: 1 for recycled paper, plastic bottles and metal cans; 1 for cut grass, twigs and wood chips; 1 for common rubbish. However, plastic yorgurt pots and plastic carrier bags are not acceptable. One has to take lots of plastic bags to a palce miles away for recyclying. Not everyone is expected to do that.
Technology is also essential. Many people want to recyle rebbish but the authorities do not have the right facilities to do so. So much useful stuu ends in land fill sites.
Informing the relevant stakeholders through various information distribution mechanisms is a very powerful idea, but the efficiency of such process varies from one context to another. It lends itself to the realities on the ground and the manner in which we engage with such reality to achieve environmental protection awareness.
Let's not run the risk of following normative prescriptions and acknowledge that engagement is essential.
Dear Debi. I agree with you that environmental protection should be taught to all children from primary to middle class as core subject. I would add that there should be a course to be added in the study plan in universities.
Dear @Mahfuz, this is a very important issue. The following link discusses the issue of pursuing environment justice: the distributional effects of environmental protection.
It has to start at home. Educate and practice, that is the only way it can be inculcated into the psyche of people. We all have to contribute to it, not only the government. We all always try to do things easier way. But if we first start thinking about our convenience and the environment for any action that we do probably it will help. So the change has to come in the way people start thinking about it. A few things probably we all develop that will help environment.
1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – the three R’s
2. Use as far as possible locally produced groceries, goods and services.
3. Make each community as self-supporting as possible.
I agree with the short and striking answer of András, but I have one further information: You sometimes have to accept, that the primary interests of humans have to be neglected. So teach and educate people, to have a deeper sight into correlations between their behaviour and the fitness of the environment.
I think a child understands that waste and pollution is not good for the environment with or without school education. The question is then:
- What motivation truly convinces people to change their own behaviour to increase environmental protection, also given that many other people in the (immediate) environment are not willing to follow (immediately)?
I would like to see the wise children who among their parents destroying the environment, are able to recognise natural values and do their best for saving them.
Environmental protection is influenced by three interwoven factors: environmental legislation, ethics and education. Each of these factors plays its part in influencing national-level environmental decisions and personal-level environmental values and behaviors.
As other mentioned education and ethic should should be thought from early age by starting at home and kinder gardens. Researcher can play an important factors in legislative part.
I think the word "awareness" is central in this question. Therefore, all the electronic and print media as well as mobile phones could be used to create such awareness. Hence, I find my view closer to @Debi S. Saini .
I think many people might be/are 'aware', 'educated' and 'informed', but without changing own behaviour to (better) protect the environment... Why are these people not willing to change their behaviour?
Are people that live far from the sea willing to reduce car use (e.g. reduction of speed) to prevent rise in sea levels caused by climate change? Apparently not based on the number of cars on the road during the holidays and the number of cars sold in the world.... . Why do they not change behaviour? Perhaps they do not believe scientists claiming that there is a causal link between car driving and climate change? Perhaps they believe there are spiritual forces that will protect human populations and future generations? Perhaps short-term visions (economic rules) are more important than long-term visions, also given the future cannot be predicted with precision? Perhaps many people simply like gambling?
You are right. The desire is not sufficient. One should act! I live far away from the sea but I use as often as I can my bicycle. We use car if it is indispensable, compost organic wastes and try to recycle everything and work in our garden however we harvest – because of the drought – practically nothing.
not every use of energy is wasting energy. My proposal: stop to eat, get frozen in winter times and don´t read in the evening, when you need arteficial light.
Here are the suggestions of the United Charish Organization Environmental Protection Awareness Commission
• Environmental Training
• Awareness Campaigns
• Media Campaigns
• Promotional Campaigns
• Festivals
• Rallies
• Tree Planting Campaigns
• Fund Raising Campaigns
• Marathon
• Conferences
• Exhibitions
• Summits
Environmental Protection Awareness is an international program of United Charish Organization. They will establish 25,000 awareness centers in major cities throughout the world to promote outreach spreading the message of environmental protection.
A very nice question @ dear Dr. Mahfuz...which shows our responsibility towards environment protection.
Awareness of environmental protection can be increased by many ways. I will try to highlight a few of them below....
I) Local outreach : Environmental education is just as important in the developing world as it is in industrialized nations....... Reaching out to the people in those countries can be very difficult. Language barriers, illiteracy, and cultural differences can prevent them from learning about environmental issues, particularly in rural or tribal areas. Reaching out to tribal, religious, and community leaders can often help a government organization or non-governmental organization educate the people on environmental issues. Community leaders can help ease communication problems and bridge the cultural divide that often stands in the way of outreach efforts.
2) Through media - In developed countries and urban areas the use of print, broadcast, and Internet media can be a great way to increase education and awareness. By working with the media, government agencies and nonprofit organizations can help spread their message, either by holding press briefings, issuing printed press releases or even setting up online databases that can be used as information centers. Information centers can be useful tools to educate both the public and journalists about environmental concerns. Many media outlets may want to increase their coverage of environmental issues, but don't know where to find accurate information. Having a central information clearinghouse that is accessible to journalists and the public can be extremely useful.
3)Classroom education - educating children and young adults about environmental problems is crucial to long-term success. This will help them foster a sense of responsibility and "proactive citizenship," so that when they become adults, they will make choices that help the environment rather than harm it. Many schools do not currently teach their students about environmental issues. Integrating environmental education into current science classes or teaching environmental science as a separate discipline is one of the best ways to educate children and teens about environmental problems, particularly if the classes involve some sort of "hands-on" learning, like starting a garden or caring for an animal.
I think everybody should read at least one time the little prince by Saint-Exupéry http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/arvindgupta/littleprince.pdf
It has an essential message on nature and environment.
It was written not only for children!
I am sure his test on a Boa constrictor works always.
An excerpt from the book on a businessman:
“Millions of what?” The businessman suddenly realised that there was no hope of being left in peace until he answered this question.
“Millions of those little objects,” he said, “which one sometimes sees in the sky.”
“Flies?” “Oh, no. Little glittering objects.” “Bees?” “Oh, no. Little golden objects that set lazy men to idle dreaming. As for me, I am concerned with matters of consequence. There is no time for idle dreaming in my life.”
“Ah! You mean the stars?” “Yes, that’s it. The stars.” “And what do you do with five-hundred millions of stars?” “Five-hundred-and-one million, six-hundred-twenty-two thousand, seven-hundred-thirty-one. I am concerned with matters of consequence: I am accurate.”
“And what do you do with these stars?” “What do I do with them?” “Yes.”
“Nothing. I own them.”
“You own the stars?” “Yes.” “But I have already seen a king who...” “Kings do not own, they reign over. It is a very different matter.”
An example is to make farmers aware of the economic value and environmental benefits of forwarding crop wastes to the paper and board industry instead of just burning such wastes, which harms the environment. The below mentioned research encompasses this issue. Happy new year.
By competing to cooperate in the face of prisoners dilemma and social cooperation game. See deliberations and debate so far. How giant nations are playing games with people's life. Also fact check the issue of acidic rain among other contemporary shortcomings. I smell further disasters in the governing and gambling policy in environmental protection related issues. Also fact check the rate quality of himan life in the face of greed. The truth is that the developed nations are not ready to invest billion of dollars in resolving the issues since no benefit can achieved in saving life's. Also aware that forum for resolving environmental issues as remained a puzzle.
Recently, I organised a discussion session with several people which was not only about environmental awareness but about the larger component, awareness of sustainability. Actions to raise awareness about sustainability are vital to convince people that their individual actions do matter and that bottom-up movements do work. The following question was asked during the discussion, how can we increase awareness of sustainability among the people? The different opinions have brought me much insight into the topic and I also think it is a nice summary of everything that has already been shared here. During the discussion, it became clear there is no one-size-fits-all answer and many arguments always came back.
It is all-important to provide the people consequent, simple, reliable and correct information, and research plays here a fundamental role. For example, it is not because it is snowing outside that climate change is not happening (weather ≠ climate). Misinformation is still a huge problem nowadays so showing people the correct facts can raise awareness and change their behaviour and point of view. Information can be provided in many ways, through education, (social) media, in stores/shops and much more.
Education (including parenting) is, as mentioned several times here, very powerful. Every level of education should include actively and directly lessons, activities, programmes and/or events about sustainability and the environment. Important is that education is efficient and is really paying off (because in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, where I live, we learn French in school for eight years and still no one can properly speak the language).
Media can both have a direct and indirect role in stimulating sustainable behaviour. Directly, the media can provide good information in news, documentaries and talk shows. Indirectly, the media is also very powerful, think for example, in fiction series or movies that are close to reality. People tend to reflect their own lives to the characters. If you see a character on TV using a drinking bottle or being a vegetarian, people can be stimulated to do the same. Moreover, in TV-series for children, sustainability and environmental awareness should become common topics. For the youth nowadays, social media and YouTube can be very influential.
Raising awareness is not always enough to change people their behaviour and additionally, we have to be realistic. To obtain sustainability and to deal respectfully with the environment, society needs to be changed. This is something that takes decennia of gradual changes, it is an evolution, not a revolution. People are committed to their habits and do not like to change them. Slow and gradual changes would have worked if we started several years ago but now, we do not have this time anymore. As a result, people should also be stimulated in other ways to implement much quicker a sustainable lifestyle.
Financial stimulation is extremely important because it cannot be denied, most of the time it is all about the money. Make sustainable alternatives cheaper and more efficient, for example, improve public transport and make trains for medium distances more interesting than a plane. However, in a capitalistic system with demand and supply, this can become difficult. Still, governments or institutions like the European Union can play a role. Think, for example, of subsidies, but here we have to be careful since they can also interfere with the market. However, when they are efficient, implemented for the long term and reliable, they can be a stimulation.
In addition, the government or other authority institutions have to take the necessary measurements by implementing rules and laws with the eye on reaching sustainability. People will be ‘forced’, which will cause discontent, but it is one of the only ways to make the quick changes towards sustainability the earth is craving for. However, clear communication and information are crucial, people cannot have the feeling that only measures against them are taken but also against, for example, the industry. These rules and laws do not have to imply large financial investments from the people’s sides. Additionally, a problem which can arise in terms of governmental actions is that climate and sustainability become a political game. In Belgium and many other countries, this is already the case. The problem is, when you make climate and sustainability political, you will never have everyone’s support.
In general, actions towards environmental and sustainable awareness should come from different stakeholders and levels going from individuals, families, schools, local authorities, NGOs, governments to the European Union and the United Nations. Information, education and (social) media are important but to really change people’s behaviour in the short term, some kind of stimulation is crucial.
Agree with all responses. What I find effective and important for me is to enable people to engage themselves with nature in their surroundings. Make activities and tools available to enhance that engagement with nature and initiate discussion on how it is appreciated, how appreciation can be enhanced, what decisions, and realities around stops it from happening.. and engage people to the issues and problem related to appreciation/ conservation of nature locally and link them to the wider national and global causes. Initially people may be psychologically distant from polar bear getting extinct but if it is linked to something next door, the awareness of it will make people connected soon.
All views are the best. But if there is an absolute association or power in the management of awareness of nature and balance, it is best. This is because the journey, management and obstacles of any superpower or supernatural hand can be overcome well.