How can we correlate business analytics/intelligence with competitive advantage ? Kindly share your views/ant relevant research on it. Thanks in advance.
Business intelligence/analytics is a source of competitive advantage. You could find a lot of publications that connect BI and competitive advantage (e.g.
Sharma, R., Reynolds, P., Scheepers, R., Seddon, P. B., & Shanks, G. G. (2010, August). Business Analytics and Competitive Advantage: A Review and a Research Agenda. In DSS (pp. 187-198),
Guarda, T., Santos, M., Pinto, F., Augusto, M., & Silva, C. (2013). Business intelligence as a competitive advantage for SMEs. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(4), 187,
Peters, M. D., Wieder, B., Sutton, S. G., & Wakefield, J. (2016). Business intelligence systems use in performance measurement capabilities: Implications for enhanced competitive advantage. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 21, 1-17 etc)
The direct correlation of Business Analytics / Business Intelligence with a competitive advantage excluding other variables may consist in combining the study of economic effectiveness, results of the economic and financial situation of the enterprise using ICT advanced data processing technologies including Business Analytics / Business Intelligence with changes in the market situation and changes in the marketing situation of the audited entity, changes in the share in the sales markets offered for the markets of products or services, and therefore also changes in the issue of competitive play and competitive advantage obtained or lost.
In addition, the correlation model built should include the application of analyzes carried out with the use of analytical Business Analytics / Business Intelligence technologies to support the business management process. The model of the above correlation should methodologically be gradually expanded with new variables, including market variables, changes in demand for manufactured and offered products and services, and further factors of the economic environment, sector, state, other competitive entities operating in the same industry, etc. In my I have described the key areas that shape such correlations for the purposes of supporting business analytics of Business Analytics / Business Intelligence with the efficiency of functioning and, consequently, also the competitive advantage.