I'm doing degradation test for electrospun PLA scaffolds using PBS..How do I calculate the amount of PBS required for each sample? can you refer to some references please?
I performed PCL electrospun degradation tests and I used 10 mL of PBS, and changed it once a week. In my point of view, I guess that the most important is guarantee that your samples is always soaked with the medium.
I performed the evaluation with 15 samples per each time-point and the standard deviation was low so I believe that the procedure used is ok.
Normally we insert 10 ml PBS or SBF in falcon tube for bioactivity and biodegradation evaluation. However, it depends on the sample weight and the materials properties.
" The ratio of the mass of the test sample to the volume of the test solution should be at least 1:10. The samples shall be fully immersed in the test solution. The choice of the ratio used shall be reported and justified in the test report. NOTE The ratio 1:10 was chosen for practical reasons. When using this ratio, however, it should be considered that the release of degradation products may interfere with the progress of degradation itself and may influence the rate of the degradation and the equilibrium of the degradation reaction(s). "