There are n number of references describing energy cascading hypothesis put forth by  Kolmogorov. According to this theory (hypothesis), the disturbance in the system is propagated though large eddies to small scale eddies till the viscous forces take over inertial forces and subsequently it is dissipated by the viscosity of the medium. Now i have problem visualizing this process.

For example if we consider a water column (sea system) using layered approach ( topmost layer close to the sea surface and bottomost layer close to seabottom) and lets say surface is perturbed vertically by a huge stirrer e.g wave breaking which is removed after some time:

how should the distribution of eddies be visualized in such a system ? Will it be like smaller eddies enclosed within larger eddies for each layer  or  larger eddies formed close to surface and smaller eddies in the subsequent bottom layers? 

Any explanation in this respect is appreciated.

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