[version 2 - after correction of the formula, and related details. JD]
@ Omar
Dear Omar, can you please explain what information about the reliability is available for you? Without any knowledge one cannot do anything. Or, just take arbitrary probability distribution, say F , find the quasi inverse of it F-1, generate a sample of uniform variable U_1, U2, . . . U_n, and calculate T_j := F-1(U_j), for j=1,2,...,n. The results form a simple sample of random time to the first failure following the pd, determined by F . Then a simulation of the reliability function R=1- F is a the step function called in the literature empirical reliability function, defined by the formula
where 1 is the index function for the inequality in the braces (=1 if the inequality holds, and equal 0 if it does not). For example, if R(t) = 1 - F(t) = exp( - a t), and U has uniform distribution on [0,1], then the cdf. of T= -ln(U)/a equals F(t), t >0. If you don't know anything about the cdf of T - no suggestion is possible.