Suppose one align a ZnO needle on two electrode by dielectrophoresis method now he wants to remove the gold electrode bellow the ZnO nanorod can this is possible.
You can make it easily and try, lot of information is available on the web.
I have used to etch gold films deposited on ZnO. and it did not affect the underlying ZnO.
I would advise to first try the simple etchant by etching gold deposited, on top of ZnO.
You specific question wants the opposite to be done.
For your specific case, you have to figure out how to etch the gold which is underneath the ZnO. Somewhere you have to provide a path for the gold etachnt to get under the ZnO.
But once you remove the gold under the ZnO, the ZnO layer will simply fall on the substrate and stick to it.
Instead of Gold, let us say we have aluminium, in this case also we have a selective etchant, which attacks aluminum but not ZnO. I have this information in one of the my students thesis, I will let you as soon as get the information.
Try to see if these echants work well for your research.
In case you have aluminum film on top of ZnO film or membrane, or a ZnO coated glass substrate.
This aluminum will not attack ZnO, and we have tried it many times, and works well.
1 gm of KOH and 100 gms of K3Fe(CN)6 in 100 ml of deionized water, and has given us an etch rate of 0.5 micron/min for Al without affecting the ZnO film. While etching the Al film we noted that we need at least 30 minutes of agin time to work properly. Samples were dipped into in the Triton chemicalprior to etching to make the etching uniform.
Well at best I could help with two etchants one for Gold and the other for Aluminum which do not affect ZnO.
You may have to figure out in your structure if these etchants can be used to etch either the Gold, or the aluminum layers which are lying underneath ZnO.