The system is consisted of a single cell with one BS at the center
with the following parameters :-
* N=5000 (number of M2M nodes).
* TRA=1000 sec. (the time interval between two consecutive resource allocations to the machine).
*Packet arrival of each device, rg (Poisson distributed. Average: 1 per 7 hours).
*communication protocol :- Reservation through config. 0 of RACH communications through PUSCH.
*Number of preambles :- (54) in even frames.
RA slot duration ( preamble transmission (msg1) )+ processing time at M2M side (msg3)=1msec + 6msec=7msec.
*** data transmission of successful nodes in resource reservation
at frame(i) will be scheduled to be done in frames (i + 1) and
(i + 2).
When The system traffic of known devices is fixed. The total generation traffic is given by :-
total generation = N*rg*TRA=(5000)*(1/25000 (sec) )*(1000 (sec) )=200.
What is the total number of RACH channels (total number of preambles)= ?
What is the physical resource for Uplink data transmission = ?