The question you asked is not meaningful and does not provide any information to be answered. Please come with more detailed description of your problem.
Although the question is not clear but you can start with the following are the indication of a failed DNA sequencing reaction.
1. Bad Quality of DNA. 260/230 ration is not in the range of 2 - 2.2. Purity is not 1.8.
2. Quality of DNA is good, but the library size is not optimum ~ indication of failure
3. Low quantity of Library.
4. Sequencing less than the required depth of coverage. Aim from higher than 20x in an ideal case. For human go for higher than 30X. Low coverage Data will be of no use.
5. Contamination in your library from other DNA sources, like bacteria. (You can remove them afterward)
6. There is more as you go alon the way, but this could be your starting point.
If this is Sanger sequencing the company will often provide a quality score for the sample. One important metric for this score is the read length. You can also look at the peak (trace) files to see if you are getting nice single peaks without lots of background noise or overlapping peaks.