I am trying to use PSO technique for tuning my PID controller used in my process. I am having PSO code and simulation model of my process. How can I do it?. Please elaborate the procedure of it.
Before going for the PSO technique, could you confirm if a PID controller is able to stabilize your process model? This is important because the PSO will fail if the PID controller is unable to stabilize the process from the beginning. It is also interesting to know whether the process plant linear or nonlinear.
Thank you Yew-Chung Chak Sir for giving me reply regarding my problem. Sir, it is confirm that PID controller is stabilizing my process model and i am using linear plant..
If your plant is linear, depending on system characteristics, there is an option in simulink, "optimization" that will run for no# of iterations, and will give you optimal values, on which your system will become stable. Most probably you can select any optimazation technoqie, as all of GA, PSO Ant colony etc etc are available.
Thank you so much Taimur Zaman . Sir, there is available 'optimization toolbox ' such as GA, SA etc. in simulink, but there is not PSO. Please send me link for PSO optimization toolbox.
If i am having code of PSO and simulation model, how to ONLINE tune or optimize the PID controller parameter using PSO. May it possible with S -function block if i used in simulation?? and how it can be used in simulation??? please help...
You can use particle value to be assign as gain value of PID Controller. Then run your simulation using sim command. Analyse the performance of simulation.