There are many DNN algorithm like ConvNet, RBM, Auto-Encoder. The most popular one is Convolutional Networks from Yann Lecun, that is mainly for image recognition. There is an implementation called Caffe which has Matlab wrapper.
Both regression and classification are supported in this framewokr.
There are many DNN algorithm like ConvNet, RBM, Auto-Encoder. The most popular one is Convolutional Networks from Yann Lecun, that is mainly for image recognition. There is an implementation called Caffe which has Matlab wrapper.
Both regression and classification are supported in this framewokr.
For deep learning of regression function i suggest you to learn 'Statistical Learning Theory- Veladimir Vapnik'. Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a powerful tool for solving regression function with statistical theory.
A very useful toolbox in matlab is available here for Deep belief network and DNN
but for regression task the crossentropy function must be replaced by Square function.