Is Alibaba market real? are the prices including shipping? how to make sure that they will ship the goods and they will be in a good quality and manner and will not be late?
Dear friend, you can almost find everything in Alibaba, with variety of quality, depending on the price. In China, the price usually covers shipping. I'm not sure about oversea goods, but definately there will be remarks. Anyway, if you want to know the taste of a pear, you need to have one. Why not have a try?
Dear Mr. Liu, thank you for you answer. But for trying, it will cost too much because I need to buy some food factory machines so what if it was not in a good quality or if they did not reach me at all?!
Hi Fadwa, I understand your concerns. Alibaba is now used worldwide, and many people have the same concerns as you and some have shared experiences. I suggest you turn to Quora for details. Here is a link may be helpful: Good luck!