Yes, as rightly said by Sandra Teresita Martín del Campo, Your question is not clear. Anyway...
There two steps needs for the analysis of fatty acids or FAMEs, such as
1. Lipid extraction
2.. FAME preparation
In general, Folch et al. (1957) method was widely used to extract the lipids using a combination of organic solvents like chloroform and methanol at the ratio of 2:1.
A known volume of extracted lipids was further condensed to FAMEs using methanolic NaoH, BF3 and saturated sodium chloride according to the procedure of Metcalfe et al. (1966). And, finally, FAMEs were extracted into petroleum ether. Routine analysis of methyl esters was performed by a Gas chromatography with FID in our Institute.
Fatty acids were identified by comparing with the retention times of 37 component FAME mix (Supelco-Sigma) and was reported as % total fatty acids. If you want to report in mg/g, use the respective internal standards during the sample preparations.