I have some sets of coordinate values taken in latitude and longitude. I intend generating contour maps with them, alongside other geochemical variables; but the software appears to only accept easting and northing values. Can any one help?
Hello! That is an interesting question, actually. Unit conversion could be very tricky sometimes. You can use the following web tool to convert your data to Easting and Northing values:
You could manually convert the values for each point and add those values to a new column in the attribute table. However, this is not a good idea if you work with hundreds or thousands of points.
If you are using surfer follow the steps mentioned below and check the site lat long to UTM converter for finding which longitude zone your coordinates are in
After the data file opens in the Surfer worksheet, click Data | Coordinate System | New Projected Coordinates.
In the New Projected Coordinates dialog, assign the appropriate X and Y columns under Source Columns (these are your current X and Y columns).
Click the (...) button to the right of Source Coordinate System.In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, select the current coordinate system for the data. For example, to select lat/long expand the Predefined | Geographic (lat/lon) category.
Under this category many different datums are listed. You can choose which datum you want your lat/long coordinates use. Most simple lat/long coordinates use World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) as the datum. Select the datum you wish.
Click OK. The selected coordinate system is entered as the Source Coordinate System.
Designate the X and Y columns under Target Columns. This is where you want the re-projected data (ie. UTM) to be entered. By default, the first two empty data columns are entered.
Click the (...) button to the right of Target Coordinate System to enter the target coordinate system. For example, let's say we want to convert the latitude and longitude to UTM.In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, you could open the Projected Systems | UTM | North America and select North America NAD27 UTM zone 04N
Click OK. This coordinate system is entered as the Target Coordinate System.
Click OK and the coordinates in the designated source columns are converted and entered into the designated target columns. Click the File | Save or File | Save As commands to save the data.