I am working on stand structure of a Forest Reserve. How do I show novelty on the research; though the vertical and horizontal stand structure of the stand in the study area have not been reported?
I recommend You two very interesting publications:
1.Pommerening A. 2002. Approaches to quantifying forest structures. Forestry 75(3): 305-324.
2.Gadow K. V., Zhang C. Y., Wehenkel C., Pommerening A., Corral-Rivas J., Korol M., Myklush S., Hui G.Y., Kiviste A., Zhao X. H. 2012. Forest structure and diversity. [In] Continuous Cover Forestry. Springer Netherlands, 29-83.
These publications present a lot of aspects devoted to stand structure research, and I am sure that You find something interesting to You.:)
In my opinion actually we have a lot of data gathering and data analysis methods. Some of them are only incidentally reported in research, maybe You find something inspiring in this area:)
Onyekachi, An answer to your question is certainly dependent how you are using measures of forest stand structure. Are you using measures of forest stand structure to understand some other system attribute? Perhaps how forest stand structure affects animal diversity, plant diversity, water yields, or some other ecosystem attribute. To a certain extent the novelty of your approach will be conditioned on what it is your are using forest stand structure for. I have been involved in work looking at how horizontal and vertical forest stand structure affects bird communities across broad geographic areas. I have attached a paper that attempts to evaluate the relative importance of horizontal and vertical forest stand structure attributes in explaining spatial variation in bird communities. I suspect that part of your question regarding novelty will be tied to the fact that the forest systems where you are working have not received as much empirical work as others. I have attached a couple of relevant papers that have focused on how bird communities are responding to spatial variation in forest stand structure. I hope these help provide some ideas that are useful to your particular situation.