In this case, I believe that the test described by Mann-Whitney is more appropriate and that it consists of comparing each individual of the first group with each individual of the second group, registering many times favored in that comparison. Based on this count, to measure is constructed that is contrasted to see if the difference with the expected result, if there are differences between the groups, may or may not be attributed to chance.
I second what Angel has already said: A Chi-Squared test for Contingency tables will be fine.
If you want to do more, you may want to look up for Ordinal Regression Models. These are useful when you want to say more with the data than just say there is an association.
Hi, Yes you can but when you are analyzing the association for a R*C table (for xample a 3*4 ) using Chi square, your expected count should be lees than 20%. This is reported under your tables in SPSS.
If you use an ordinary Pearson chi-square, or the likelihood ratio chi-square, you will be treating the ordinal variable as nominal. With one dichotomous and one ordinal variable, you can use the "linear-by-linear association" test that you see in your SPSS CROSSTABS output. For more info, see Dave Howell's nice notes (link given below).
There are possible several methods, for example one as attached below. But, Chi-square to the best of my knowledge provides information of level of significance or confidence in the association of two variables. However, it is phi that is measure of association and can be converted into chi-square to obtain level of significance. You can do reverse of it, if you have calculated chi-square value, convert it into phi that will give you measure or strength of association.
CHI sqiarre test is a relational test between two varaibles in quantitative research. both variables have to be quantified in order to be corelated if one is not quantitief statastically it is impossible to corelate or find a relationship. that is my understanding. if that is not basiccaly done you with never related
In this case, I believe that the test described by Mann-Whitney is more appropriate and that it consists of comparing each individual of the first group with each individual of the second group, registering many times favored in that comparison. Based on this count, to measure is constructed that is contrasted to see if the difference with the expected result, if there are differences between the groups, may or may not be attributed to chance.
I suggest you organise ordinal data as frequencies of nominal categories. Then apply Chi-Square test. However, you would not "see" association (measure of relationship) but calculated value of Chi would provide you an idea of significance between these variables. However, to see association you have to convert chi-square into phi.