I have obtained XRD patterns for solid samples but I cannot processes the charts, combining them in one chart to make a comparison. Can any one help me with dealing with this problem?
If you have the original data of X-ray diffraction (commonly includes two rows: one is diffraction angle, another is diffraction intensity) of samples (txt, dat, raw et al), you can draw stack lines by Y offset or stacks under multi-curve menu in Origin software.
A very good, lightweight, and free software is Jpowder. Easy to use and plot data. You simply drag and drop and you can easily overlay samples with one another.
'Traces' XRD software - is old and good. It has big pattern databases. You can match your pattern manually or automatically. It allow also for plots combination and seem to fit your purpose.
One option as mentioned above is to obtain the softcopy of data points from the analyst and plot on SPSS or other spreadsheet softwares. I have done this severally for RVA of starches and its always ok.
every crystal has its own chart in the software of the XRD instrument data base, you can use it to identify the peaks, or your can search in the related references, this beside the above answers to how to draw a comparison fig