I want to investigate the cyrstal behavior of some common compounds, regarding this how can I prepare a .cif format structure to run the calculation in #Crystal_Explorer software?
The structural data contained in the cif file is not quite possible to create just as easily. Structural data are always the result of structural analysis. Data for a molecule is not enough, data for a complete crystal is needed. The necessary cif files can be downloaded or obtained from structural data databases. There are several of them and they are differently focused. it is usually a good idea to start searching in the COD database. If this is not enough then it comes to CSD for organic compounds, ICSD for inorganics etc. Organics is a complex matter given the sometimes complex nomenclature.
You can take a shortcut approach by writing a PROLOG procedure to execute the CIF file! Also, kindly visit this link for an alternative https://www.researchgate.net/deref/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DtJKm6cFP0sE