I need to prepare a known concentration of gas from the already prepared solution, concentration of solution is fixed to desired level. Is there any simple method to prepare it?
which is the composition of the "parental" solution?
Just an example:
in our lab (and also in many labs) we used to produce CO2 by adding few drops of H3PO4 to a screw cap vial containing a solution (e.g. a natural water), since the dissolved inorganic carbon species (DIC = CO2 aq + HCO3 + CO3), are transformed into CO2.
The concentration (or amount) of CO2 in the headspace depends on the DIC content in the solution, the volume of solution injected in the vial, and the net volume of vial (=volume of vial - volume of solution).
Please take care to role of pressure and the dissolution of gas in the solution.
Enclose find a tachnical paper reporting such a procedure.
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Article On-line technique for preparingand measuring stable carbon i...