If you have chance to use ICP-MS, prefer to use it. since you can measure both elements at the same time with shorter time and less effort. If you use graphite furnace you need to measure each element separately! However, both methods have low detection limits which is good for you.
The answer depends on how much accuracy you need your results. For ppm results you can use ion chromatography, or routine analytical chemistry methods or normal atomic absorption. For higher accuracy ppt you can use Atomic absorption spectrophotometery AAS .
ICP-MS is nowadays considered the method of choice if you want to measure a range of metals, but graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry give excellent results and if you only need to measure Cu and Pb I would certainly recommend GP-AAS which give accurate and precise results at relatively low cost. For large sample volumes you may need automatic injection on your AAS.
Do the acid digestion (hot plate or microwave) and analyses by flame AAS or ICP. If need high accuracy, use ultra-pure acids for digestion followed by analysis using AAS having Graphite furnace. For lower concentration determination, spiking with know concentration will be required. Check the accuracy of analysis using internal quality control samples or using standard reference materials.
For lower concentration determination. Check the accuracy of analysis using internal quality control samples or using standard reference materials and analyses by flame AAS or ICP.
Depends on what resources are available to you: ICP-MS is perfect but expenisve. But even if resources are limited there are a number of suitable spectrophotometric methods available for your purpose, all easy to find in the internet!
If you have AAS, then at first water samples should be filtered, acidified, then you can do preconcentration using hotplate (lets say 250ml_>25 mL). Then might be used FAAS Or GF-AAS. You can use ICP-MS in case of low concentration.
Your question seems to be a bit vague. What do you mean with „Lead & Copper impurities in water“. The choice of an analytical method depends on the understanding. The bulk of these elements sticks to particulates (including colloids) which are suspended in water, and so the amount of particualtes may control nearly totally the amount of impurities in water. The definition of impurities in water should consider this background and in order to compare different water samples on the degree of cotamination specific filtration is crucial (0,2 µm or 0,45 µm; prior to acidification). In the case of filtered samples you need analytical methods of high sensitivity, which was already pointed out (ETAAS, ICP-MS). Normally, the concentrations in particulates are much higher and so flame-AAS or ICP-OES should do (after aqua regia digest oft he filter residue). The additional analysis of element conentration bound to particualtes could help to understand the question of impurities in water much better. If this discrimination is necessary or not depends on the use of water (drinking water, irrigation water, waste water treatment, etc.).
The best way is to do acid digetion of a suitable portion (100ml) of the water sample followed by AAS analysis. If concentration of both the metals are too low, try to analyze using AAG graphite furnace. One more thing you can try is the spiking of your samples with known concentration of both the metals.
At the time of samples collection acidify samples with HNO3 (CONC) high purity approximate less than 2pH. Filtered the samples with 0.2mu filter paper. dilute if high TDS, then analyze either ICP or ICPMS using atleast 6 different concentration of standard with zero stanadrds. Insha Allah you will get good results
Generally for metallic elements we use spectrometer methods which need an acidification (mineralization) of samples prior to their analysis. the accuracy of this analysis depends on the kind of your device (apparatus).
Ypouy may use AA in flame. You need complex 100 -200 m with pirrolydindithio carbamete at pH around 4-4,5 and extract qith 10 ml MIBC. Copper complesx is yelloiw.; lead comples ,no colour..