It is quite difficult. I measure the antibacterial activity of some metals used in dentistry; I used a E. coli reference strain in Luria Bertani broth. In the first tube I put the LB broth, in the second the metal and the LB medum (the same volume). The tubes have been sterilized and inoculated with the convenable concentration of cells (for ex 1% v/v from a culture containing 10^9 cells/mL). The tubes were incubated at 37C for 16 or 18 hours. After this time, the absorbance at 600 nm was measured for the tube 1 and 2 against a blank (the culture medium without bactaria). The results were compared and the inhibition was calculated as Abs tube 2/Abs tube 1 x 100 or in another way. The time must be well established and not too long to see the difference between the samples. You can try.
Actually I did some works like this. But since the metals accumulate at the bottom, they are not in good contact with whole liquid so the difference in OD was not significant. I dont know what I should do ):