09 September 2015 7 8K Report

I am trying to measure change in cellular calcium ion concentration using aequorin expressing plant. I could find many research article and protocols about the measurement using the same system, so I summarized and followed them. However, the signal seems so weak even when I applied twice as much amount of coelenterazin as previous reports. It required at least 30s exposure for our instrument, therefore, not applicable for the purpose of my study. The 30 seconds exposure still does not show any distinctive difference between non-expressing samples and aequorin expressing samples. Even after discharge with CaCl2 and methanol, the signal doesn’t get any stronger. The instrument is NightShade, and sensitivity of the instrument seems fine, based on other luminescence measurement such as luciferase expressing sample treated with luciferin.

If you have an experience in this experiment, please let me know how to solve the problem.

Thanks in advance.

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