I have modelled an SVIR model and I intend to assume that at some point in the future, all the subjects will come back for a booster vaccine. How can I incorporate such a consideration into my model and check for its impact?
The easiest would be to assume the effect of the booster is the same as for the original vaccination though of a lesser magnitude. Each subsequent vaccination would have a smaller effect though the exact magnitude would depend on the time lapsed since the last one. Do note though that long-term immunity seems to plateau . . . i.e. at a certain point more boosters do NOT increase the immunity but only result in a short term increase which fall back to the 'set point'.
The group I work in has done some cohort studies to elucidate this effect that can be found in Amanna Hum Immunol 2012, Hammarlund J Virol 2010, Amanna NEJM 2007, Ammana Immunol Rev 2006, Hammarlund Nat Med 2003. Which may be helpful in 'testing' your model.