I tried to grow CNTs using the CVD method using camphor oil and ferrocene as precursor and catalyst. FESEM results show very uniform and high VACNTs. Then I grew well-aligned ZnO nanorods with good aspect ratio in a water-bath.

But when I wanted to use the ZnO nanorods (instead of ferrocene) as a catalyst to grow CNTs on the top of the nanorods there was unfortunately no CNT growth. Based on previous reports I wanted to grow multi-layer ZnO-CNT nano structures but I didn't even have forest type CNTs (some papers mention that ZnO nanorods don't have enough surface energy to grow CNTs (the temperature was 900 C)). I did the same process with porous silicon and had some successful CNT growth, but not vertical.

Could anyone please refer a related paper or answer following questions:

1. How can I grow CNTs on top of the ZnO nanorods?

2. Do I need to use a co-catalyst as well?

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