How can I get the best PhD dessertation tittle on the issues of nursing, public health, nutrition or health informatics ,pediatric problems and so on?
You might want to consider the following:
Construct your initial title based on your research work boundary i.e. what is in-scope or out-of-scope of your research.
Get key terms for the title from your research problem, objective, conceptual framework, methodology, research findings etc. - as you progress feel free to change your title which is not being finalized.
Reconstruct / enhance / finalize your PhD title after you'd finished writing up the thesis & abstract before submission.
Ayele - You can get the best PhD dessertation tittle on the issues of nursing, public health, nutrition or health informatics, pediatric problems and so on by following certain steps: 1) Write down a list of topics that you are interested in and choose a topic that you are most interested in, 2) Narrow your topic to something manageable and talk to potential supervisors, friends, fellow scholars, colleagues etc, 3) Define the problem - a well defined problem is research half done and make your title concise, simple and clear, 4) Do a brief survey of literature to know how much work has already been done and what are the gaps in knowledge, 5) Choose a title which highlight the purpose of the study, which can often include its context, outcomes, and important aspects of the research strategy adopted.