I need to know the focal mechanisms of earthquakes in Kope dagh and central Alborz (IRAN). How can I get this information considering that most of these earthquakes are small in magnitude?
GCMT provides moment tensor solutions of the events which are higher in magnitude (Mw > 5.5 ). As you have mentioned ,most of your earthquakes are small in magnitude, they might not get registered in GCMT. so you have to take results from others published literature of your area of interest. But it will be better if you could analyze yourself to find the moment tensor solutions.
Donner, Stefanie, Frank Krüger, Dirk Rößler, and Abdolreza Ghods (2014), Combined inversion of broad-band and short-period waveform data for regional moment tensors: A case study in the Alborz mountains, Iran, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(3),
Moment tensor is solution is one of the technique to get Fault plane solutions. GCMT provides moment tensor solutions and it is the best known technique to get fault plane solutions in recent time. however fault plane solutions can be obtained by
1. P wave first motion technque
2. Composite Fault plane solutions technique.
3. Waveform modelling/moment tensor solution.
kindly go through one by one , There are lots of material available on net to learn these technique. Few free software / codes are also available for these methods.
You can get information about focal mechanisms calculated by different seismological agencies on: http://www.isc.ac.uk/iscbulletin/search/fmechanisms/
If you need only focal mechanism, select ''best double-couple'' from centroid moment tensor solutions. In this case pay special attention to non-double-couple (CLVD) component, errors of Mrp and Mrt components and data type used in the inversion.
It is easy to get the focal mechanism information. Just search for the Harvard Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalog from the network the address is :(http://www.globalcmt.org/).
In order to get fault plane solutions you have to involve with: