1. Test your data resulting from the experiment with Kramer-Kronig transform. This will allow to check if the set is internally coherent.
2. The data at the first glance exhibit a strong time constant dispersion. This may originate from the system itself or from the drawbacks of the experimental setup. The later ones should be if possible eliminated physically not numerically.
3. Please give more details about the experiment. Blind fitting usually does not end well.
Your only problem is that you haven't entered the data in the correct order. EIS analyser uses the format: Re(Z), Im(Z), Frequency. Make sure you export your data, e.g. from Excel, as a txt file in the correct order. Then you can select the proper model from the model library - even if you have to test every single one of them if you're not certain. Try multiple fits for eaxh one, until it converges. Then save your fitted data from the menu, and work with them in your preferred software (they will be saved in the same format).