Regarding coaxial connector (if feed from top/bottom side), I am confused. If inner cylinder of coax is connected to bottom side copper, where outer cylinder of coax should connect?
Is there any other suitable method to feed a cylindrical cavity?
Bottom side of substrate is ground and top is a radiating patch.
Drill a hole through substrate (hole dia is outer diameter of Teflon in coaxial cable) from bottom at convenient point near feed point of patch. The coaxial outer to be soldered at bottom copper (Ground). Coaxial inner conductor and Teflon to be passed through hole till top surface. The inner conductor to be bent on top surface and solder at feed point. Do not allow to protrude the Teflon above top surface.
To provide coaxial feed, make drill and pass the inner conductor to touch the patch or conducting top surface where you want to feed and outer cylinder is connected to ground conducting plane.
Inner conductor to be soldered to top layer and outer conductor to be soldered to bottom layer. But, be careful during drilling, because small defect may effect on the results considerably.
center SMA will insert the cavity with about lambda/4 length and lambda/4 space from one of the parallel walls to it; outer conductor will connect to cavity copper the center SMA would not connect to cavity and it will excite the cavity with inductive coupling
What I understood, let me write here. Please correct me, if I misunderstood.
1) Let's an example, insert SMA from bottom/Ground side of substrate; Inner conductor of SMA must touch upper surface of cavity (can say "patch"), while the outer conductor of SMA should touch/soldered with bottom Copper layer (considered as ground).
2) Feed point of inner conductor is not necessarily center of cavity! It can be any where across the diameter of cavity.
3) Additionally, I soldered a copper pin (called as post) at the center of the cavity; pin is connected by one surface of cavity (either top or bottom).
I realized that I am inserting SMA the other way round; it is inserted from top side of subtsrate/cavity (as a reference point). Inner conductor is touching the bottom ground plane, while outer conductor of SMA is touching the top surface of cavity. Is this the reason, I am getting bad results?