I want to extract chlorophyll concentration information from MODISA and converted to .csv format so I can conduct further analysis using R.
I download the data file from MODISA and the format appears to be *.main. I tried to load .main files into R but failed.
So I tried to use SeaDAS software can convert the *.main file to .csv. I first load the .main file into SeaDAS (File/ Import Raster Data/ SeaDAS L3 (CZCS, OCTS, SeaWiFS, MODIS, VIIRS, etc,)). I then tried to convert it into .csv format by File/ Export Raster Data/ CSV
But it just generated an empty CSV file.
I tried to look up to the tutorial for SeaDAS 7, but I can still not solve the problem. Could any one help?
As long as I can convert .main into to a R processable format, I can use the data for further analysis.
P.S. I run SeaDAS on Linux environment (ubuntu).