Hello everybody, I would like to extract a line from a surface. I already represent quite easily with the commands plot3, mesh and surf my surface, that is divided in three parts because it represents three different domains. My initial input is composed by a matrix (18011*3) of Longitude, Latitude and Moho values. I would like to build a function that in input takes the position of start (A) and end of my profile (B) (xa,ya,xb,yb) and in output return the position of the corresponding z in A and B {e.g. [A,B] = myfunc(xa,ya,xb,yb)}. Finally, I would like to plot the obtained curve after cutting my surface with a vertical plane. I have already achieved this result with another software (Global Mapping Tools, very used in geophysical applications), but now I'd like to obtain the same thing in Matlab environment, of which I am quite new. Someone is familiar with these kind of problems? Do you have any suggestions, please? Thanks in advance,