My work is on in vitro transcription of some membrane molecules and transfection of these molecules to the Dendritic cells. Dendritic cells have these molecules and I can not evaluate the correction of my steps in these cells. My method for evaluation of these membrane proteins is flocytometery. I want to evaluate transfection of in vitro synthesized mRNA to a cell that doesn’t have these molecules (CD40, ICOSL, PDL1, PDL2 …) or at least had low levels of these molecules.


What kind of cell do you suggest to me?

I have cell lines (4T1, HEK,..) , but my concern is high level of their proliferation and may cause decrease in expression due to division ?? (transfected will not be replicated and division time is less 24-48-72 hr for evaluation of membrane expression of molecules)

Can I stop cell division by Mytomicine C ? This drug will not affect protein membrane expression?

Any other kind of evaluation or advice?

Best regards

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