04 April 2015 3 9K Report

I just made Graphene Oxide(GO) by modified Hummer's method and then tried to coat magnetic materials on it changing GO into RGO. Yet, the result was awful that the magnetization of the final coated-RGO disappered.

So, I decided to make a guess what was the problem?

I doubt either the recipe by which the magnetic material was coated or the condition of GO (Maybe because of graphite-oxide, but I need graphene-oxide)

As far as I know, the Utilization of AFM, TEM and XRD is helpful to figure out how much exfoliation is going. I made an analysis of this sample(GO) by an XRD instrument. I can see the very sharp shape. (No data about TEM or AFM)

I interpreted this shape as the big d-spacing (well-exfoliated)

I need to know other potential reasons about not working.

I'd appreciate it if you'd help me.  

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