I have hyperspectral data (512_bands) different nutrient stress in rice at different stages. which methods are good for identify the nutrient stress index. any one can give good reference to develop new index.
Sivagnanam , your question is really mind teasing . That's a million dollar question . Is it plant tissue hyperspectral data or soil-based . Have you linked up your hyperspectral data with some visual symptoms nutrient deficiency or tissue concentration . Venturing straightway into nutrient index using hyperspectral data , probably will not yield you that much expected results , unless supported by preliminary tissue- or soil available nutrient -based indices .
thank you for comments. I am studying nutrient deficiency through hyperspectral remote sensing technique on rice crop. Based on treatment i was collected different stages of rice crop spectral reflection at 3 replication of every treatments. each reflection i was collected 512-spectral refl. bands ( from 276.82 nm to 1093.50 nm). among this band i need to find particular wave bands from visible or IR region and to locate bands respect with a single nutrient deficient / plant symptoms.
I've understand that You have good design of experiment (likely You have control variants one without nutrition and another with optimal nutrition). Both of control variant You can compare at each stages of plant development. Also, You can in each stage and in each treatment use three critical point within the period of deficiency of nutrien and compare spectral refl. band. This way of estimation You can apply for one genotypes as well You can use forall genotypes included in experiment.