07 March 2019 9 392 Report

I have Total factor productivity as dependent variable and other 4 varibles as regressors (R&D domestic stock, R&D spillovers and GAP) i introduce first difference to demonstrate the annual growth (mentionned in the theory). i find that all variables are stationary in this difference. but i do no how to consider them , i mean if my variables are integrated in level or I(1) because my model is already with first difference (endogenous growth theory).

My question is how can i check if their are autocorrelation and heterscedasticity in my panel using Eviews?

and what is the pruposal solutions (knowing that all variables are not cointegrated (using panel cointegration test))

My panel is already with log since TFP is residual of cobb douglas. Crossid number 28 country and time T=12 ans (with difference)

Thank you

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