I would like to conduct research about the effect of spleen/liver stiffness measured by new MR modality on detection of vascular hypertension in the liver in people with cirrhosis by dividing the participants into 3 groups (controls, moderate hypertension, and severe hypertension). How can I calculate the sample size? I used one and only article as reference to predefine the following assumptions: standard deviation of 3.24, a significance level (α) of 0.05, and a power (1-β) of 90% to have a sample size of 20 subjects to detect a difference in spleen stiffness of 2 kPa with as withdrawn from the animal study reported earlier.
It is however not clear for me if this when using 20 healthy / 20 severe or not? I am not sure how to distinguish between severe and not severe by means of calculating the moderate hypertension.
Appreciate your help.